Many feet make light work

Many feet make light work

Earthen Built by Kata Polano

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Sep 2, 2010

SLAM 2010 ~ Shawnigan Lake Arts & Munticultural Placemaking Event

S.L.A.M. Community Corner Creation
~Shawnigan Lake Arts & Multicultural Placemeaking Event~

Greetings Cowichan Valley residents and neighbours, here is a call for City Repair Placemaking participation! On the 18th & 19th of Sept. we will be installing an Earthen Built bench in Shawnigan Lake Village. Your support and involvement is what will make this event a real community success! We have already begun the first stages of this project, and assistance during the days leading up to the event is welcome.

What is SLAM?
SLAM is the Shawnigan Lake Arts & Multicultural Community Placemaking event.
For those of you familiar with the City Repair Placemaking done in Portland OR, you know what this means.
Placemaking is when community comes together to reclaim a space, making it more welcoming, personal, and useful. It brings members of a community together to create a 'place' that reflects their shared visions, needs, assets, culture, and interests. Through this act, members of a community become more integrated, familiar, and collaborative, deepening their connections and relationships with one another. The community space becomes for interactive, safe, welcoming, and comfortable, let alone beautiful. All of this lends to a boost in community moral, productivity, and momentum.

With that said, who wouldn't want to create a "place" in their community? Come on out and see how its done while giving a part of your self to the Shawnigan community.



Excavation is due to happen at any moment now!!!

***Come on out and join the Shawnigan Lake community in creating an uplifting and inspiring public space! I will be working hard during my 'time off' to get the site ready for the main event on the 18th & 19th of September. During the weeks leading up to the event we will be building the retaining wall, the bench foundation, and getting started on the roof. Monday September 6th is the first day I have scheduled for volunteers to show up and help in the foundation work. Come out to 1756 Wilmot Ave. any time from 10:30 until 6:00 to lend a hand. I will be back at it on Tuesday and Wednesday as well; same place, same time.***

If time is not in excess for you, perhaps you would like to support our efforts through a donation. We are accepting donations throughout the project, though some items on the wish list are time sensitive and will be indicated as such. We will be installing some plaques for those who are able to contribute and sponsor this phase of the event. Please contact me through email at: if you wish to donate something from our wish list.

Cinder blocks for the retaining wall 8x8x16 split faced (now)
Earthbags for the bench foundation (now)
Gravel/drainage rock (now)
Barbed wire (now)
Drainage pipe (now)
Straw bales (early Sept)
Stone for the bench foundation (early Sept)
Clay, both raw and refined (early Sept)
Sand, various grits (early Sept)
Clean horse manure (early-mid Sept)
Blue or white tile for a mosaic (late Sept)
River pebbles for mosaic (late Sept)
Bags of white flour (late Sept)
Financial contributions are always welcome 

Much thanks to all of those who have already put time into this project and to all of those who are yet to come out and participate!! This is what community is about and this is what will create strong and vibrant neighbourhoods.

Let us know if you are interested in doing something like this in your community.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kata!
Thanks for sending us your blog :) I look forward to reading more... The photos are almost as beautiful as what you are creating!

I would love to see some process and finished product photos of the SLAM bench!

In Community,